Just a ventor session but auto-tune is my friend lol, everybody is dissin it which i understand that it is becoming redundant, in which i agree if its abused but if you do what i do auto-tune is a savior....I can't sing worth a shit! lol but auto-tune has my voice sounding good enough so that i can reference hooks so when i go to shop a track and hook to artists i can give them some direction, aaanndd i even use it as an instrument, u ask how? i cant tell u all that!! shooooottt! then ill be giving away one of my many studio tricks! HAHAHA!! <<
neway i will continue to use auto-tune and encourage other people to do it also, just turn the settings down a lil bit (Wayne has his setting on BLAST!!) and if you ever tried it, that shit is fun as hell!! U all know at one point in your life you wish you were blessed with being able to hold a note....peace
you can check some examples in past posts...
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