Come Check us out on Dec.31st......Biggest sale of the year at REVIVE and yours truly will be on the turntables from 11-2pm....Come check ya peoples!!!!!
Check out my man hurling some shit kickers at the President lol, u think they gave em back?
....and by the way in Iraqi culture throwing or hitting someone with their shoes is a sign of contempt....personally id'a hurled the chair at his dumbass!
I hate when i hear a song and you just know that its the shit and you cant wait to hear it at the club but then it never catches on, im definitely dropping this at the end of one of my next parties, I can't even remember when this joint came out early 2000's sometime but whatever...Jagged Edge - Promise (Remix) no homo and pause lol ...and on another note listen to the first couple lines where hes talking about being in the studio and his girl thinks hes out sleeping around on her, story of my life!! lol
.....and on another note listen to the first couple lines where hes talking about being in the studio and his girl thinks hes out sleeping around on her, story of my life!! lol
Dux Jones is the newest edition to our camp over at Frontstreet/IMG...with his distinctive voice and wordplay, plus the fact that he's got his production game poppin', i'm sure he'll definitely be a much appreciated representative for Frontstreet.....CHECk HIM OUT!!
You cant catch me at Live At PJ's in Ann Arbor for a min, on Thurs. Dec. 18th spinning a nice lil ol skool set, imma kill em on this one, cause if you know me, i stay with ol skool in the deck....COME CHECK ME OUT!!!....b.e.z.
The music industry really is all about who you know and a lil bit of luck, im not a big believer in luck but, there are so many talented people in this world that will be heard on a small scale or never heard at all. You ever heard anybody say that there's probably cats that could have smoked Jordan but there lives just took different paths, whether they didn't have the discipline for it, drive, or maybe life just got in the way of their dreams, which is what usually happens to most of these talented entertainers out here. The reason i'm even talking about this, is because sometimes i wonder if im suppose to be doing this but on the flip side i'm not gonna be stopping anytime soon either, i have a constant anxiety everyday about this music and the choices and paths i made, sometimes i think i should just go back to school, but then, am i really going to be happy? (i hated school with a passion) I do get a satisfaction out of what i do, it can just be hard at times and the fear of being an "unsung hero" kinda scares the shit outta me....and i'm not talking about the fame, fuck the fame! See basically what i want to come from all this hard work is just a successful career and to be able to live and support a family off of what i know how to do best, music! That's the idea and goal i'm looking to reach and continue to strive for it everyday, so you can miss me with that "unsung hero" shit cause i aint having it!......SO BUY SOME BEATS OR OUR MUSIC, AND TELL SOME FRIENDS!!!! FRONTSTREETRECORDS.COM!!!! LOL
I've compiled some unsung heroes below, they were all great at what they did for the small audience they reached, they definitely deserved to be represented on a larger scale but once again life just got in the way....peace
Linda Jones - Not On The Outside Some say she would have been better than Aretha Franklin but passed away at 27 from diabetes
Big L - Put It On A lot of you know about Big L but then again a lot don't, Big L was gunned down in front of his crib in Harlem in '99 at the age of 24
Len Bias at 22 was the second pick in the 1987 NBA draft to the Boston Celtics but not even 48 hours later he dies of cocaine intoxication
This is an actual song about an unsung hero by Hot Chocolate who is singing about a woman named Emma and how she was suppose to be a star....Check it out, it gets deep at the end....
I'm definitely proud that my team was able to be apart of this mixtape, we all work hard over here at Frontstreet, and to see the most respected website in street culture take notice of our talents and give us the #2 slot on the tape goes to show that they not only like what we do, but love it! For those of us that have constructed mixtapes, cd's or whatever, you know that you want to catch the consumer right out the gate, so that slot says a lot about the song "Streetwear", Oseeola definitely did his thing on the record which was produced by The Skouts, which is otherwise known as Braulio, Dux Jones, and muah (Thirty;).....but this is where the problem lies, nobody knows The Skouts produced this great record and to know that this tape will reach thousands of people we definitely felt a lil short changed and the funny thing is it shows production for all the other songs on the tape.....this is just me venting im not gonna go any further on it, on another note if you get a chance check the record out and hopefully you keep enjoying what we love to do....peace
The Skouts consist of Dux Jones, Braulio and yours truly....this is just a rundown of the hotter thangs we did this week...hope you enjoy, oh yeah!! If you're looking for some industry quality production get wit meh....
Check out ya boy making some fiyah for the new NBFU S3!.......S3 will wrap up the Nobody Fronted Us trilogy, which is looking like its gonna be hotter than the first two....MAKE SURE YOU COP AND SUPPORT FRONTSTREET/IMG!!
I never go to the movies but i'll definitely be at show with this one.....and the new Jay Hov track off the soundtrack is FIYAAAH!!
Check out the trailer for NOTORIOUS and the new track from Jay-Z feat. Santogold "Brooklyn Go Hard".................................. The Notorious B.I.G. Movie Trailer
Last week my homey Breed passed away, His death hit me pretty hard especially being at the club with him the weekend before and talking to him the day before he passed, and then trying to get a hold of him that whole day of his passing, only to find out he was gone.......... We were in talks about his new album that was going to be released on his original label Ichiban, so he seemed in real good spirits, we already had two tracks done for his new album which was "Gotta Get Mine pt.2" and his possible single "Ride Wit Me"........Breed was my first taste of the industry, he was the one that gave me the confidence to know that what i'm producing is running with any producer out here major or independent. Breed always kept a smile on his face, there's not a time where i saw him anything less than happy, his talents were far beyond his success, i learned so much from Breed, sharing the times we did working on music and seeing his genius in the lab, I'll take those experiences with me everywhere and whatever studio i'm working in, a lil bit of Breed will live through me, he will definitely be missed, See ya when I get there homey..........
.....Posted some videos and unmixed tracks of Breed tracks that we worked on and some of his original classics...b.e.z.
Sittin here in REVIVE at 26 years old,unshaven, in the same hoodie for the last three days, waiting on bread (cause thats what happens in this line of work) thinking about my next move...fuck it, start a blog. Watch what its like to get in this industry of music and entertainment....and of course ill probably be sidebarring a lot but for the most part, I think im gonna base this loosely on my life and how this shit ain't all peaches and beef crumbs.......(i dont think beef crumbs exist but if they did im buying bags of them shits)